Friday, July 20, 2007

My friend, the believer in Fairy's.

I think I am better at "journaling" than poetry, so here goes again.

Today I was with an old friend of mine, I met her when we were both eleven, our parents had put us into a "Canoe Camp". Two full days of non-stop water action.At that time in my youth, I was much more out-going than any of my peers, well more out-going than most anyone, I guess being in theater and having a big family gave me many lessons in the art of people and how to entertain them.
For the whole of the first day I roamed around aimlessly, and when we first connected it was a sort of magic that took place.My friend, Emily, was as outgoing than even I, we spent the whole of our 20 mile canoe ride singing and laughing, annoying, of course, everyone in our presence. At that time in my life I had hoped to be a child forever and after reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn I was convinced that I would go to the Mississippi and build a raft and simply live there.SO the whole of that Summer was spent in plotting and wearing nothing but my favorite pair of overalls and denim baseball cap.
Even as I grew I kept my childlike sense, though Emily sure had me beat in that regard. Though after awhile I grew to like the idea of growing old, I still kept my childlike sense, as I still try to keep up. My quiz has for true imagination and childlike thought has been Antoine De Saint-Exupery' work of art The Little Prince. If you get a chance open up the first page and without reading it look at the picture and state what you think it is, then read and find out what it means.
To this day I am sure Emily will be able to pass that test with flying colors. When I first met her I thought we were so similar, she loved One Saturday Morning (Cartoon Show) as much as I,and though I was raised much different than her and new more of the world than she, not to slam her.... but I did, but there was an underlying core of unity that after a few years I thought was lost for sure.
You see, as we grew into early teens, her "innocence" annoyed me to the point of anger, I once got so mad at her insistence that fairy's were real that I screamed so loudly and tried to "change" her to the ways of the world.After that instance I waited a long time before being with again, I felt terrible about getting so angry about Fairy's of all things. But after being with her after I realized that she was not ready to leave ideas like the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause and such. I was the kid who always found the gifts before they were wrapped and given, she was the child that even after having her parents have her pick out and buy the gifts with her only later to wrap them and say "from Santa" still insist Santa was real.
After being with her today and from times past, I have thought back on our childhood and though there were many times I was happy to be able to walk the streets of New York City and belong, even at age 6, I have wished too, that even for a little while to have the ability to simply believe and not care really what anybody else says, no matter the reality, and that, I believe , is the faith that Christ wishes all of us to have. Just think, to be able to simply believe.
I am so glad that fairy's didn't come between us after too long, that would have been a sad way to end a relationship......Fairy's.....


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