Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Time in the country

As the poem I just wrote gives much into the childlike way I feel right now. Being in the company and living in such simplicity is such a wonderful thing for me.

I am from the city and have always loved the hustle and bustle of bright lights and activity, but in this week I have been here I have never felt more at peace.

The quietude of people sipping Iced Tea on their porches is something I thought that I would not welcome. When I was first here I believed that I would be bored and simply spend all of my time on my computer and such.

I have been able to really enjoy the small town feel and have to time to relax and really see all the wonderful things God has done for me. Being here makes me realize just how blessed I really am and how the little things that I worry about all the time are so insignificant to the big picture.
My prayer, therefore, is for everyone, even in the great cities of the world, to be able to sit back and really enjoy life and thank God for the wonderful things he has done for us.


Blogger Ann Murray said...

In a few days time I will be in the country too. It's something I look forward to and a chance to relax and, as you say, thank God for the many ways in which I have been blessed e.g.
family, health and friends. Thanks for visiting earlier.

July 6, 2007 at 2:24 PM  

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