Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Many Stages.

I have noticed how different life is from each stage, how something that can seem so terrible or awful at one stage in life, can turn out to be not so bad later. I suppose that is one of the wonderful things about growing old, you know more and have been through more, which gives you wisdom. I always felt that I knew more than everyone, not in the sense of pride, just because my life had been so different from those of my peers, where now I see that most of the knowledge that I acquired was in actuality harder to have than not.

There is something about the way the world works, there is something to knowledge that you aquire that is impossible to share with people, reason being that people must discover things on there own, that makes it that muh harder to have. Though there were many days I would have wished my life had been stereo typical, I am so much happier that it was not, otherwise the stories I have to share would be not as interesting.



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